We must have heard of our non-medico friends going for internships, getting hands-on experience in their respective fields of work in new environments (and envying them at least once in our lifetime ;P) But how many of you know that there are more than a bunch of internships (apart from the one we ought to do after our final MBBS part 2) for medical students too? I had a meagre knowledge on them during my under-graduation and missed many opportunities.
Here I’m listing down some of the great internships which will not only give you state-of-the-art knowledge and refined skills in your field of interest but also add to your CV!
1. WHO summer internship
2. CSIR-CCMB summer raining program
3. Tata institute of fundamental research- visiting students’ research program (TIFR- VSRP)
4. NITI Aayog Internship Scheme
5. Indian Council of Medical Research- Short Term Studentship (ICMR-STS)
6. Med-fests of central colleges and medical associations
1. WHO Summer Internship
Objective- enhance the educational experience through capacity-building opportunities
Areas- technical and administrative, e.g. Communications, external relations and human resources.
Age- at least 20 on the date of application
Education- enrolled in the course of study at a university or equivalent institution leading to a formal qualification (undergraduate, graduate, or postgraduate) in a public health, medical or social field related to the technical work of WHO or a management, administrative, communications, or external relations-related field. If they have already completed a qualification, they may also qualify for consideration if they apply to the internship within six months following the completion of the formal qualification.
Languages- fluent in at least one of the working languages of the office of assignment (English is one of them)
Family relation- not related to WHO staff member.
Other- not previously participated in WHO’s internship program.
Pros- sick leaves, medical and accident insurance, financial support(at selected locations), meal vouchers
Cons – no accommodation provided
For further details- (FAQS) https://www.who.int/careers/internship-programme/frequently-asked-questions
2. CSIR-CCMB Summer Training Program
Education- all branches of life sciences at any Indian university/college/research institute except three years B.Sc. program students.
Pros- Real-time exposure/hands-on experience to teach zeal for research, academic excellence and statement of purpose are considered for the selection process, free program (no fee charged), and free accommodation.
Cons- you may be allotted in any lab based on availability irrespective of what you may have mentioned in your statement of purpose as your field of interest; unpaid internship, meals are charged
For further details- email stp-ccmb@ccmb.res.in
Application procedure- submit the application form, authorization letter from the HOD/DEAN of the Institute/University/College and other documents as mentioned on their website (https://www.ccmb.res.in/Academics/Training-Programs?rr=Summer-Training-Program)
3. Tata Institute of Fundamental Research- Visiting Students’ Research Program (TIFR-VSRP)
Eligibility- completed at least two years of undergraduate course work in science and engineering fields at institutions within India, must not have been selected for VSRP before
Areas- Basic research programs in Astronomical, Biological, Chemical and Physical Sciences, Mathematics, Theoretical Computer Science and Systems Science.
Pros- no cut-off GPA/% (overall profile is considered during the selection process), paid internship (amount varies with the duration of the program), stay available within the campus.
Cons-students pursuing studies abroad are not admitted or accepted for this program.
For further details- https://www.tifr.res.in/~vsrp/faq/faq.htm
4. NITI Aayog Internship Scheme
Eligibility- undergraduate/graduate/postgraduate degrees or research scholars enrolled in a recognized university/institution within India or abroad
Pros- learn about the Government functioning and Development Policy issues in the Government of India, and contribute to the Policy formulation by generating policy inputs.
Cons- unpaid internship
For further details- https://www.niti.gov.in/sites/default/files/2023-01/NITI_Internship_Guidelines_17012023.pdf
Apply at- https://workforindia.niti.gov.in/intern/
5. Indian Council of Medical Research- Short-Term-Studentship (ICMR-STS)
Eligibility- medical/dental undergraduate students
Pros- get familiarized with research methodology, scientific writing and research ethics, paid internship, entirely online program
Cons- limited period of 2 months to complete the entire process (survey-based studies can be done, but for lab-based/clinical studies, it is time constrained)
For further details- email stshrd2017@gmail.com
Apply at- www.icmr.nic.in
6. Here is the list of a few med-fests of central colleges and medical associations where you can take part in several literary events and workshops:
· Pulse- All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=co.sheldon.xrcbb&hl=en_IN&gl=US
· Connaisance- Jawaharlal Institute of Postgraduate Medical Education & Research, Puducherry https://jipmerconnaissance.com/
· Silhouettes- Armed Forces Medical College, Pune https://www.afmcsilhouettes.com/
· SAMSACON- South Asian Medical Students’ Association https://samsa.org.in/
· Conferences and workshops at NIMHANS https://nimhans.ac.in/conferences-and-workshops-posts/
I'm sure there are many more excellent opportunities that might not be listed here but do share the above information with your juniors, seniors and colleagues, to whomever you find this helpful.